Saturday, January 15, 2011

Elements of 3D Design

Symmetrical Balance: Object having sides that are equal in mass and symmetrically placed.

Claes Oldenburg Binoculars
Brancusi The Kiss
Magdelena Abakanowitz Figure on a Trunk
Michelangelo Pistoletto Quadro de Pranzo
Felix Gonzolez-Torres Perfect Lovers

Asymmetrical Balance:Off centered design that uses negative space or other shapes to achieve balance.

Claes Oldenburg Flying Pins
Jeff Koons Flower Balloon
J.Seward Johnson Jr. The Awakening
R.R. Wilson Broken Symmetry
Brancusi Sleeping Muse

Radial Symmetry:Symmetry occuring over a central axis.

Brancusi The Table of Silence
Claes Oldenburg Apple Core
Claes Oldenburg Profiterole

Richard Serra Open Ended
Eva Heese Accession II
Scale:Overall size of a particular object.
Claes Oldenburg Spoonbridge and Cherry
Vito Acconci Adjustable Wall Bra
Jean Baptiste Carpeaux La Danse
Bernar Venet Indeterminate Line
Tony Cragg Can-Can
Proportion: The relative size of a part of an object to the other parts.
Hwan Kwon Yi 
Hwan Kwon Yi
Hwan Kwon Yi
Michelangelo David
Venus of Willendorf
Emphasis: The use of design techniques to bring the viewers eye to a certain element of the sculpture.
George Bredehoft
Camille Young Mother 3 series
James Jumper Redemption
Domino Plaza Alexander Milne Calder
Michelangelo David
Contrast: using different elements to balance a piece of art.
Bruce Gray Flight of the Bumble Bee
Victor Bonato Frozen Wave
David Barr Equation 1
David Barr Sonata
Lee Gass Night Bird
Variety: using lots of different shapes and colors to create balance in numbers.
Leonardo Drew Number 177T
Leonardo Drew Number 33A
Loiuse Nevelson Sky Cathedral
Loiuse Nevelson Cascade VIII
Loiuse Nevelson Mirror Shadow
Repetition: use of similar parts. 
Bean Finneran Red Core
Eva Heese Schema
Jackie Winsor
Donald Judd Real Objects existing in Real Space
Donald Judd Multi Color
Rhythm: the succession of weak and strong movement
Rowan Marsh DNA Ball Sculpture
Eddie White
Umberto Boccioni Unique Forms of Continuity in Space
Eusebio Sempere
Carrie Fonder Renewal