Akhenaten, Nefertiti and their Children
Confederate Memorial Carving
William Gordon Huff
Scott Sustek "Brooke"
Raymond Kaskey "WWII Memorial"
High Relief-Sculptural relief in which the modeled forms project from the background by at least half their depth. Also called alto-relievo
High Relief Sculpture of General Zhong
Bill Mack "Desiree"
Bill Mack "Concentration"
Chidi Okoye "Conversation"
Chidi Okoye "Amina"
Primary Contours-lines which define the outermost edge of a piece.
"Spring of Hope"
Benedict Radcliffe
Alexander Calder "Order in Caos"
Dennis Openheim
Christo and Jeanne Claude "Surrounded Islands"
Secondary Contours-Forms developed within the outer boundary of a work.